For Teachers & Librarians
Dear Teachers and Librarians:
I am very grateful for your support and interest. I've had the chance to continue writing fiction because of your championing my first novel, Under a War-Torn Sky. So many of you include it as core or complementary reading in your WWII curriculum or in Battle of the Books competitions. Thanks as well to those who have done the same with my other novels and picture books.
I've tried to make this website helpful to students who want to explore more about the time periods covered in my historical novels or learn about the research and writing process. Each book page has links to comprehensive history webpages, music of the time period, a quick explanation of my research and the historical facts contained in my narratives, recommended reading, and sample chapters. Take a look! I make a big pitch for the FUN of researching and using primary documents.
In this part of the site are things I hope prove helpful to you: educators' guides, Common Core units of study, sample lessons, and articles about teaching historical fiction. If you are interested in having me talk with your students, please go to Appearances.
When I visit schools, I am always amazed by your dedication, creativity, and energy. Thank you for nurturing the next generation of readers and writers.
TeachingBooks has kindly amassed a number of educational resources for all my works here:
Clip fromThe Write Stuff at the National Archives:
I talk about Hamilton and Peggy at the following timestamps: 30:39 - 36.06 ; 42:56- 46.50; 47:58 - 51:36 ; 1:41:27 - 1:42.46
For my thoughts on the craft of writing in general: 1:11:54 - 1: 13:34 ; 1:18:12 - 1:19:05; 1:22 - 1:24:39
And for Suspect Red : 1:30:13 - 1:33: 01; 1:34:11 - 1:35:37

Under a War-Torn Sky
Usborne British Edition Educational Links
The Fairfax Network Meet the Author suggested activities guide
Lesson Plan: Introduction to French Culture and Geography using Under a War Torn Sky
Critical literacy as comprehension: Expanding reader response
School Project Example:
John Walsh Elementary School
School Project Example:
Midlothian Middle School
Glossary of World War II Vocabulary and Concepts (European Theatre)

Across a War-Tossed Sea

Storm Dog

Annie, Between the States

Bea and the New Deal Horse

Truth, Lies, and the Questions in Between

Hamilton and Peggy: A Revolutionary Friendship
Lesson Plan: Reading Primary Documents for Character and Story
Lesson Plan: The American Revolution Through The Eyes of Female Poets
Lesson Plan: The American Revolution from a Loyalist Perspective
Lesson Plan: Teaching French Style and Rhetoric Through the American Revolution
Suggested Study Units and Resources for American History/Social Studies Teachers
Book Talk and Read-Aloud with FCPS TV
Leadership and Alexander Hamilton Lesson Plan from the Museum of the American Revolution

Give Me Liberty

A String of Hearts