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Hunter's Big Sister
Hunter looks up to his imaginative big sister, Glenna. He loves playing make-believe games with her--except when she's bossy. Glenna adores Hunter--except when he's a pest and copycats her. Will Hunter know when to stop teasing Glenna? Young readers will relish seeing how this affectionate brother-sister pair comes to an understanding of what it means to be a sibling.
“The young raccoon introduced in Hunter’s Best Friend at School (HarperCollins, 2002) returns in this story to bedevil his highly intelligent, imaginative, and bossy big sister."
School Library Journal
"The young raccoon introduced in Hunter’s Best Friend at School (HarperCollins, 2002) returns in this story to bedevil his highly intelligent, imaginative, and bossy big sister. The siblings love acting out fairy tales, but Glenna plays all of the leading roles and casts Hunter as the 'hedge of roses' in Sleeping Beauty and the pumpkin in Cinderaccoon. Hunter simply loves playing with her and teases her by tying signs to her tail or mimicking her every word. He just wants her attention and pesters her relentlessly until his copycat games accidentally place her in danger. The youngsters’ glee, frustrations, and fears shine through a series of watercolor illustrations that faithfully follow text action. Mother Raccoon explains Hunter’s behavior to her daughter with simplicity: 'He’s just teasing you because he loves you.'
“A must-read for families with siblings."
+ read more— School Library Journal
Share Hunter, Stripe, and Glenna with your friends in cut-out greeting cards. Just cut along the horizontal lines and fold.
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Boo & Trick or Treat
Cinderaccoon & Valentines
Imagine & Let's Boogie
Surprise & Celebrate