History is a Human Drama

photo by
Mary Noble Ours
Yes, history is all those dates, political movements, leaders, and battles we memorize for tests. But there are beating hearts, triumphs and parables, laughter and tears, love and betrayal buried in all those facts and statistics. History is the story of ordinary people who live through those wars, push society to change, or stand up for what is morally right—people who dig down deep into their souls to find courage and commitment or just plain stubborn defiance they need to survive a crisis.
That’s both the glory and the challenge of being human. We are capable of poetry, profound devotion, philosophy, and the compassion necessary to fight for justice and to better the lives of others. But we are also capable of cowardice, lies, exploiting one another, and deliberate cruelty born of prejudices and fears.
So, history is about those ground-shifting choices. Hard, sometimes frightening, often bittersweet, or even dangerous choices that individuals—people like you and I—must face and make. There is no better storyline, nothing more suspenseful, gripping, gut-wrenching, or thought-provoking. And, when reading historical/biographical fiction, you get to learn a little of how we came to be who we are, purely by osmosis, while enjoying a moving story and compelling characters.
Click on individual books to learn more about my novels and their reviews, the time periods and facts behind my protagonists’ stories, all drawn from real events and real people. I hope you enjoy!