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Hunter's Best Friend at School
Laura Malone Elliott and Lynn Munsinger introduce two delightful pals who will entertain young children as they also provide an important first look at peer pressure and first friendships.
“Elliott does a remarkable job portraying how difficult it is for Hunter to resist Stripe's entreaties and later, not react to his teasing. Readers will readily respond to Hunter's dilemma and be reassured by his ultimate success."
Kirkus Reviews
"Elliott sympathetically addresses the prickly topic of peer pressure from a child's perspective, revealing how easy it is for the well-intentioned to slide into trouble just by going with the flow. Hunter learns a critical lesson regarding the importance of staying true to one's self. Munsinger's anthropomorphic raccoons are irresistibly cute and cuddly... Elliott does a remarkable job portraying how difficult it is for Hunter to resist Stripe's entreaties and later, not react to his teasing. Readers will readily respond to Hunter's dilemma and be reassured by his ultimate success."
+ read more— Kirkus Reviews
"Best friends and school join in Elliott's tale for a kid-pleasing combination. Munsinger's comical, sometimes poignant illustrations give this picture book a double draw. Parents will surely appreciate this message about resisting peer pressure"
+ read more— Publishers' Weekly
"Elliott wisely makes Stripe's misbehavior inviting (it is fun to secretly poke and giggle during story hour) and playful rather than mean-spirited."
+ read more— The Bulletin of the Center for Children's Books
"Help your friend be his best self…is a fairly sophisticated concept, and it's handled with a deft, light touch by the author and illustrator. Parents know how troubled kids can be by such dilemmas, and how attractive negative role models can be. Kids will face this issue over and over; seeing appealing animal characters work it out…can only help."
+ read more— San Francisco Chronicle
Recipient of the Society of Illustrators Original Art Award
An IRA/CBC Children's Choice
ABA's Booksense 76
Oppenheim Best Book for Children Gold Award
Virginia Readers' Choice finalist 2006-2007
Texas Library Association 2003 2 X 2 Reading List
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Boo & Trick or Treat
Cinderaccoon & Valentines
Imagine & Let's Boogie
Surprise & Celebrate
Laura and the Hunter books were featured on "Meet the Author," a 30-minute program produced by the FCPS FairfaxNetwork and broadcast live throughout the nation.
Click here to see an excerpt.