Laura's Blog

A Wonderful Fall
October 29, 2014
What a wonderful Fall I’ve had, meeting so many kind readers and talented authors at various literature festivals. Thanks to everyone who came out to say hello.
In early September I traveled to Winston-Salem for BooksMarks, a lovely gathering in that North Carolina city and a particular joy for me since my beloved alma mater, Wake Forest University, sits at the town’s edge. I had the chance to work once again in its beautiful, airy library re-experiencing the joy of building my mind in that light-filled building. I was even issued a library pass I could keep! (Okay, I’m a geek.) I lunched with my favorite professor who has remained a loyal, thoughtful, and inspiring mentor; stayed with my oldest and dearest friend; caught up with another close college compatriot; spoke to a local school and reveled—as always—in that sea of earnest and excited young faces that authors are blessed to swim in when visiting a school to talk about books.
George Mason University’s Fall for the Book festival was next, another joy. It too is home for me in many ways, as I grew up down the road, watching that school blossom from a small branch of UVA to a renowned university in its own right, featuring a wonderful MFA program for creative writing. (Yes, I’m old!) Given its proximity to D.C. and that wealth of journalists, GMU’s literary festival features a plethora of nationally-important biographers and political pundits, but also includes all manner of book genres, YA and children’s authors included. I spoke at Robinson Secondary School with fellow YA author, Kathy Erskine (Mockingbird, and The Badger Knight). Always fun for me to step onto a campus that was a big competitor of my own high school. I remember many a cold night in my marching band uniform on Robinson’s football field!
Now everyone needs to forgive how much I am about to gush. I met Pat Conroy!!!
For as long as I can remember, I have been in awe of Pat Conroy’s poetic prose, emotional honesty, and heart-stopping plots. Having grown up in the Washington suburbs, with most of my childhood friends being “military brats” as their parents did a Pentagon rotation (“flying a desk” being a major aggravation for fighter pilots), hailing from a southern family myself, and my own sweet father being a WWII pilot and long-serving Air Force reservist, I was captivated by the Great Santini, which came out when I was in high school. I have devoured most of what Mr. Conroy has written since, often re-reading and highlighting passages for their deft pace, clean-boned voice, and poignant insights. His characters always have such urgency.

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