Laura's Blog

NCTE Thanks
November 23, 2015
I am spending the next week celebrating Thanksgiving in Los Angeles with my two children, but first I want to a huge online THANK YOU to my team at the NCTE.
A shout-out of thanks to the extraordinarily innovative and insightful professor of education, Denise Ousley Exum, who conceived and coordinated our STEM to STEAM talk for NCTE. She and Megan Behm not only inspired teachers to put back that all important "A" into the classroom, but handed them truly interesting, creative, and enlivening lesson plans to do so. What a pleasure to watch the 50+ crowd eagerly writing down every word they uttered or taking photos of the powerpoint!
For you educators out there, you can find Megan's wonderful interdisciplinary and imaginative lesson plans for: writing sonnets (using math sensibilities); physics problems relating to the speed of horses, and impact of jousting; conversion problems; proportion and ratio projects; making models of the Duomo using Renaissance engineering concepts; and the geometry of painting (golden rectangles, etc) on my page for teachers/librarians. http://www.lmelliott.com/teachers-librarians

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