photo by Mary Noble Ours
Welcome! If you’re looking for L. M. or Laura Malone Elliott, you’ve found the right place. I have two bylines—L. M. for historical/biographical novels, and my full name for the picture books illustrated by the amazing Lynn Munsinger.
Thanks to Chris Hample for designing such an attractive, engaging site—a perfect example of the creative collaboration set in motion by a good story and interesting characters. Readers add their own analysis and imagination to my words, making a book a wondrous living thing.
Come on in to learn more about the research/writing process, some truly fascinating historical time periods, and discussion guides and lesson plans to facilitate conversation, whether for a book club or in the classroom. Adults, there’s plenty for you, too. As Stephen Colbert, host of The Late Show, once said, “YA books are just regular novels that people actually read.”